The Plant
Coffee is a very sensitive plant that grows only in certain areas. Exact planting and care are important for coffee trees grow and fruit tragen.Der botanical name for coffee is Coffea. The coffee plant belongs to the family of Rubiazeen, the Rötegewächsen belong to the 500 genera with about 6,000 species.
Coffea is one of them, but not all species of this genus resemble the we know today coffee plant. Economically significant are only two Coffea species: Coffea Arabica and Coffea canephora, are better known as Arabica and Robusta. 61% of the world falls on Arabica, around 39% of Robusta. Two other types of coffee are botanically compare the two known species, but hardly of economic importance: Coffea Liberica and Coffea Excelsea. Coffee is nowadays mostly cultivated extensively. The plants can be up to 4 meters in height, but on the plantations constantly cut and so have a more shrub-like form. The evergreen leaves are oblong-oval and sit at the long branches. Looking at the music more closely, it can be seen that the upper surface is dark green and leathery, the lower contrast lighter. The leaves are 8-15 cm long and 4-6 cm wide. The pole-like root reaches 1-2.5 m in the ground. Source: www.kaffeeverband.de